Ready for Transformational Change in Education?

Shifting perspectives means new ways of seeing, thinking, being, and leading in education. Together, let’s combine learning science, broad and deep content knowledge, and culturally responsive pedagogy to create invigorating and wise learning communities.


To support schools and communities in building knowledgeable and creative, regenerative inclusive cultures, fiercely committed to equity.


MaryAnn DeRosa, Ed.D is a passionate progressive educator with over 20 years of experience working in the classroom as a lead classroom teacher, special educator, and instructional and SEL/Equity coach. As a teacher leader and teacher trainer, she leads rigorous and joyful professional development on topics including Social Emotional Learning, Equity and Inclusion, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Exceptional Learners, Multilingual Learners and Cultivating Creativity.

With experience and deep knowledge of practice, MaryAnn designs content and curriculum that builds knowledge, fosters creativity and critical thinking skills within justice-centered engaging learning environments.

MaryAnn has spent her career teaching in Washington DC public schools and in international schools in China, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and in Italy.

Guiding Principles for doing the work

1. Dismantling systemic inequity starts with understanding ourselves.
2. Lean into the discomfort without shame or guilt. Be kind and use humor to reduce stress and anxiety to encourage openness and participation.
3. Use the arts and cognitive routines as tools for active, collaborative learning, and as vehicles for understanding, meaning, and expression.
4. Leverage the research, the insights of academics, activists and our advisory board to fact check our content and delivery- while valuing personal stories and experience.
5. Define terms to build a shared language and understanding.
6. Dedication to life-long learning. We make mistakes and learn from them. We call out to call in
7. Diversity drives innovation and creativity,
8. Contribute a portion of earnings to organizations that support students of marginalized groups.
9. Aim to shift perspectives, while acknowledging the journey of each and every one is different in scope and sequence.
10. Change happens when our beliefs and mindsets match our choices, approach, and action.



With a focus on inclusion and equity, MaryAnn provides professional development to educators across the globe. MaryAnn designs curriculum, instruction, and learning experiences that support the development of equity-minded global citizens.
See the full menu of workshops here

Curriculum Design, Instructional Coaching & Speaking Engagements

Curriculum and Instruction

Designing, content rich rigorous and flexible learning experiences

  • Use principles of Liberatory Design, Learning Science and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy to guide curriculum and instruction design
  • Write and design rigorous content within the scope of the school mission and community and student identity, while recognizing inequities and highlighting untold stories
  • Design inclusive instruction directly into the curriculum content
  • Coach and mentor teachers during internalization, implementation, and reflection
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Speaking engagements & Keynote Presentations
  • Lead with joy and humor and the realities of being a teacher
  • Energize with compassion and empathy
  • Inspire and call to action
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Workshops & Professional Learning

Ben, 6th grade
All means all: Inclusive Schools

Special education/Universal Design for Learning/Exceptional learners

Key Ideas

  • We know how learning works now, we need to use the learning science in our design, planning, and implementation
  • Universal Design for Learning 3.0 includes the WHO, not just they what, why, and how
  • Learner variability and predictability inform how we design lessons
  • Make lessons accessible without compromising the rigor, by making the complex clear
  • Emotions drive attention, Attention drives learning, and learning is relational

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Gain a deep understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and learning science to enhance lesson design and delivery.
  • Recognize that while all learners are unique, there are predictable patterns in learning that can guide effective instructional design.
  • Create inclusive lesson plans that integrate scaffolds and strategies from the outset, ensuring accessibility for all learners.
  • Develop confidence and proficiency in implementing scaffolds and strategies through practical application and ongoing practice.
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Ben, 6th grade
Zeynep, 6th grade
By Gerardo (5th grader)
We teach who we are

Identity|Unconscious Bias|Cultural Competence

Key Ideas

  • Identity and culture are distinct and interplay with one another to inform one’s view of the world
  • Unconscious bias is inherent in all of us, when we identify our biases we position ourselves to make better informed choices about our behaviors and actions
  • Connected communities engaging in reflection and professional learning improves staff relations and morale resulting in improved student achievement

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Examine how their identities inform their cultural lens and how their lens impacts their interactions with other people (students, teachers, school communities, etc.)
  • Build a community of learners and “critical friendships”
  • Practice strategies that reflect intentional thinking, discussion, and action around identity, cultural competence and unconscious bias
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By Gerardo (5th grader)
By Jennifer (6th grade)
Anti-racist pedagogy and practice

“We don’t leave our racism, biases, political agendas, or ideologies at home when we enter classroom spaces.”
-Gholdy Muhammad

Key Ideas

  • We address racial issues and tensions, in order to uncover personal and institutionalized biases and thus creating communities where everyone can feel a sense of belonging, agency, and reach their fullest potential
  • Engaging in productive struggle is a means to an end

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Articulate ways in which race, power and privilege shape their school context
  • Define terms and build a shared understanding (i.e. equity, inclusion, culture, race, racism, privilege, prejudice, and microaggression, stereotype threat)
  • Practice discomfort to find comfort in difficult conversations
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By Jennifer (6th grade)
Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Teaching (1)

“Students show up with incredible strengths and assets. Kids are capable of much more than we think.”
-Dr. Ladson Billings

Key Ideas

  • Principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching and Social Emotional Learning help teachers develop the knowledge, skills, and mindsets that allow us to disrupt inequity in our classrooms and be responsive to our students
  • Being a Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Teacher, is just “good teaching.” A Culturally Responsive and Inclusive teacher uses knowledge of identity, culture, inclusivity, and relationship building as a cognitive scaffold to nurture and push student thinking and learning

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Develop essential knowledge, skills, and mindsets for building a strong classroom community while creating equitable and culturally relevant learning experiences for all learners, with intentional planning for students with disabilities.
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Image Description
Rumi By Henry and Jose (5th grade)
Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Teaching- Teaching Exceptional Learners and Multilingual learners

“Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn't mean he lacks vision.” – Stevie Wonder

Key Ideas

  • Using Principles of Universal Design for Learning and Social Emotional Learning to drive equity in teaching and learning
  • All means all- all children, children with exceptionalities, multilingual children are able to access and participate fully in rigorous curriculum by designing flexible learning environments
  • Flexible learning environments are not an add-on, they are deeply integrated into your teaching repertoire‘

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Leverage understanding of learner difference to provide supports that will meet the learning needs of all students
  • Leverage understanding of the UDL framework and guidance to meet the learning needs of all students
  • Leverage understanding of second language acquisition theory to meet the learning needs of all students
Get Started
Rumi By Henry and Jose (5th grade)

Work & Features

ASCD EL Magazine

Climbing to a Better View

November 1, 2023

Curriculum designer, education consultant, and professor MaryAnn DeRosa discusses the challenges of teaching—and emphasizes the importance of rediscovering and sustaining passion for the profession.

Video:  Panel Insights and Expertise

Pursuing our Passion

July 19, 2023

Dr. MaryAnn DeRosa, Dr. Tiffany Hall, and Dr. Chris Jones share their journey as teacher-leaders in the field.


Makerspace Learning

How does Makerspace learning transform the student experience while targeting academic goals? In this study, I planned and implemented cross-curricular units that addressed 5th grade level standards. Significant gains in content knowledge, in language learning and creative skills such as “tinkering” and risk taking and engagement were observed. In this video, the children tell you about their experience in their own words.


Arts as Meaning Makers

Calder and Physics in the 2nd Grade
The arts are a powerful tool for meaning-making. For this project on 2nd grade physics (simple machines), I wrote a cross-curricular unit that incorporated science, English Language Arts, and the arts and humanities. Students showed increased engagement and joy, and deep understanding of the content knowledge and application of that knowledge.


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  • @MA_DeR0sa

  • MaryAnn DeRosa

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